Hour of Power for Young Adults Set for Portland on Friday

PORTLAND---Young people interested in growing in their relationship with Jesus are encouraged to gather for the “Hour of Power” at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 307 Congress Street in Portland on Friday, January 6, at 6 p.m. The event is being hosted by Casco Bay Catholics, a ministry of and for young adults (18-35) in Maine.
Held in the chapel on the first Friday of each month, the “Hour of Power” includes vespers, music, and the opportunity for confession. Spiritual reflections will be shared, and the event also features exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This prayer form is a traditional Catholic devotion, the purpose of which is to adore Jesus Christ who is present in the Eucharist.
Following the “Hour of Power,” a social will be held.
Casco Bay Catholics also invites young adults to their weekly Sunday vespers. After the prayer service at the Cathedral (starting at 5:30 p.m.), there is a 30-minute educational experience and, once a month, a potluck dinner follows the prayer and learning.
The mission of Casco Bay Catholics is to offer young adults faith formation, service opportunities, and community building. To learn more about this ministry and other upcoming events, contact Abrey Feliccia at [email protected]. You can also check out the Casco Bay Catholics’ Facebook page.