Falmouth Parish Walking with Moms in Need; Other Maine Parishes Encouraged to Join the Effort

FALMOUTH---An unplanned pregnancy support group is offering women from a variety of backgrounds with the opportunity to hear and learn from people who have already walked the path they are traveling.

Held on the last Monday of each month (next on April 25), “Walking with Moms in Need” is open to people of all faiths or no faith who are encouraged to drop by Holy Martyrs Church, located on 266 Foreside Road in Falmouth, any time between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

“Participants can meet people who have dealt with the very same decisions and situations they might be confronting now, including a birth mom who experienced adoption, a woman who chose abortion, and a birth mom who opted to parent,” said Kim Palli of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist, of which Holy Martyrs is a part. “For those unable to attend one of the monthly meetings in Falmouth or who would like to speak with team members individually and confidentially, they can call (207) 271-3133 at any time.”

Representatives from several local organizations that are committed to providing resources to women in need are in attendance at each meeting, including:

Adoption Solutions of Maine assists women who are either pregnant or want to adopt and provides in-person assistance as well as confidential guidance via phone, text, or email

Mother Seton House is an organization based in Fryeburg that provides education, counseling, and other support services for pregnant women and new mothers; and

ABBA is a free, medically certified pregnancy resource center in Portland that offers pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and education that allows women to make empowered choices for themselves and their futures.

“It was immediately successful. We had a young, single mom and a young pregnant mom reach out for guidance,” said Palli. “We have discovered there are so many varied needs and questions and have expanded our ‘toolbox’ and coaches in multiple areas such as career counseling, parenting classes, social workers, and lawyers.”

“Walking with Moms in Need” is actually a nationwide initiative that increases support for pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties. The initiative was launched by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and is inspired by Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities is providing resources on how to implement “Walking with Moms in Need” at the parish level, including a guide on how to get started, sample timelines, announcements, prayers, activities, and more. While each parish will participate in its own unique way, a basic framework is provided which can be adapted to each local church’s needs. To access the resources, visit www.walkingwithmoms.com.

“Everyone should know there is a place for them to go for help,” said Palli. “Everyone in the community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.”