Daughter of Isabella honored for 75 years of service

St. Cecilia’s Circle 428 of the Daughters of Isabella, located in Old Town, recently honored a very special member. Ruth Deshane, who joined the Daughters in 1949, was presented with her 75-year pin during a ceremony held in June.
“Having so much attention on me was surreal,” Deshane said. “I thank the Daughters for making the day so special for me.”
“The Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord community is so proud to recognize Ruth for this prestigious achievement,” said Doris Poisson, regent. “Our motto is Unity, Friendship, and Charity, and Ruth exemplifies that and more!”
Deshane originally joined the Orono circle, but when that circle was disbanded, she switched to Old Town. Her mother had served as regent in Orono, and four of Deshane’s sisters were also members.
“Joining the Daughters and volunteering was a family tradition at the time. With my ability to bake, volunteering just came natural to me,” Deshane said.
Deschane also received a congratulatory letter from Bishop James Ruggieri, who offered his blessings, calling her years of service “an amazing accomplishment.”