A Christmas Message from Bishop Deeley

Today we celebrate this feast of Christmas, a most joyous day! But what is so wonderful about this day is that it is not a one-day reality. Jesus remains with us for all time, available whenever we gather for Mass and receive him in Holy Communion. In his gift of himself in the Eucharist he shows us how to live. We follow him by humbling ourselves, as he did, seeking the good in those around us, being open to the humanity of each person, and trying to help where we can to make the lives of others better.
On the first Christmas, Jesus humbled himself so that we would know of God’s love. Today, the wonder, the miracle we celebrate is that no matter where we find ourselves in life, God is always with us. That is the Good News! Life can be difficult at times, in our world and in our own lives. What we celebrate today, however, is the fact that, in all this, God is present. Jesus makes his dwelling wherever his people are, wherever his people need him.
Just as he did on that first Christmas night, Jesus brings us today the gift of love, the blessing of hope, and the promise of peace.
Merry Christmas!