“Bringing People Together”: St. Valentine’s Ball in Falmouth Aims to Be Meaningful Gathering for All Ages

FALMOUTH---St. Valentine is the patron of married love who continued to marry young people during the Roman Empire after the emperor had forbidden it. He was dedicated to celebrating the genuine love that is at the heart of marriage and makes the week of Valentine’s Day the perfect time for a present-day celebration of that same love.
The Parish of the Holy Eucharist will host a St. Valentine's Ball on Saturday, February 11, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the hall of Holy Martyrs Church, located on 266 Foreside Road in Falmouth. The event will feature a live DJ, a dinner buffet, and a digital portrait photographer.
It’s a family friendly event, with people of all ages encouraged to attend.
“I was inspired by my own fond memories of father-daughter dances and was looking for an opportunity for my four young children to experience the joy of a fancy party,” said Kalee Gwarjanski, the faith formation coordinator of family life at the Parish of the Holy Eucharist. “Opening up the event to anyone of all ages was important to us. Bringing people together of all ages and stages of life builds incredible community.”
“Our kids could use a good example of what dances can look like. If memory of high school dances serves me correctly, they’re not the most edifying things,” said Joe Moreshead, director of faith formation at the parish. “My theory is that most kids feel lost and just follow the example of their friends. That’s where it’s important they have an example early on of what an alternative can look like. Dances can just be fun and not a venture into inappropriate territory. We can provide that. People need people. The way people get to know people is by coming to social events like this.”
The suggested donation to attend is $5 per person or $20 per family. For more information or to reserve tickets, visit www.pothe.org/stvball.