Bishop Ruggieri celebrates Mass at Saint Dominic Academy to mark the start of a new academic year

Live in the promise of every day. That was the advice from Bishop Ruggieri as he celebrated Mass and the beginning of a new school year with the students, staff, teachers and families of the Saint Dominic Academy community at Holy Cross Church in Lewiston on Wednesday, September 11th. The day was marked with new beginnings and insight from the bishop to live in the moment.  

“As our beautiful faith tells us, it’s the grace of the present moment. The grace of the ‘now.’ We cannot allow the ‘now’ to be influenced by the mistakes of our past. And there are blessings for people in the now,” Bishop Ruggieri said. “As a new school year starts here at Saint Dominic Academy, remember that every day you have the ‘now’ - make the most of it.”

450 students from pre-K to 12th grade participated along with teachers, staff and families.

"As we embark on this new school year, let us embrace each moment with faith and hope. May we find inspiration in the fresh starts ahead, guided by God's grace and the strength of our beliefs,” Maine Catholic school Superintendent Shelly Wheeler said. “Together, let us strive for academic success and personal growth, knowing that with faith as our foundation, every challenge is an opportunity for renewal and triumph."

Head of School and Auburn campus Principal Kathy Martin reminded students to reflect on the mission that defines Saint Dominic Academy.

“Study, Prayer, Community, and Service. These pillars guide us in our academic pursuits and in every aspect of our lives and in the world. It helps us live in the moment of each day,” Martin said. “Study reminds us to always strive for knowledge and excellence in the classroom. Prayer keeps us grounded in faith, helping us seek God's wisdom and strength in all we do. Community unites us, reminding us that we are stronger together as one family, supporting each other through all challenges. And service is our call to give back—to look beyond ourselves and be there for those in need.”

The Mass was also a special moment for the State Championship baseball team. This past spring, the St. Dom’s team won its third consecutive state championship. The team celebrated with the entire school community by ringing the ceremonial victory bell in front of the school community with loud cheers.

“This is more than just a celebration of their success; it’s a powerful reminder to each of us of the perseverance, dedication, and teamwork we strive for in all areas of life. The ringing of the bell stands as a symbol of encouragement for every student, inspiring us all to do our best—whether in study, prayer, community, or service,” Martin said.

As the students prepared to go back to the classroom, Bishop Ruggieri reminded the crowd there will never be another today. He encouraged students to make the best of the ‘now’ and to love, help and encourage one another.

“Make a commitment to be a peacemaker to pray for peace. Do it right here at Saint Dominic Academy in Lewiston and Auburn. Go out and be peacemakers with love and kindness. That’s where it starts, this ‘now.’ Allow it to stay with you as we begin this new school year and may it be the best year of your lives,” Bishop Ruggieri said.

Saint Dominic Academy is a Catholic, co-educational college preparatory day school under the patronage of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland, Maine, with 470 students in grades pre-K through 12. St. Dominic Academy consists of two campuses in Lewiston and Auburn.  The high school, founded in 1941, has a long tradition of academic excellence in the community.  Faculty members are certified by the Maine State Department of Education and are members of the National Catholic Education Association.  Saint Dominic Academy is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC.)

students sitting in church
students sitting in church
students sitting in church
Bishop Ruggieri processing into church
choir students in church
Bishop Ruggieri talking to students during Mass
Bishop Ruggieri in front of the church
Bishop Ruggieri talking to students during Mass
students sitting in church pews
students bringing up gifts during Mass to Bishop Ruggieri
students sitting in church pews
students sitting in pews
students giving each other the sign of peace
students in church pews
Holy Communion at Mass
Holy Communion during Mass
Holy Communion during Mass
Holy Communion during Mass
Holy Communion during Mass
Holy Communion during Mass
students praying during Mass
large view of Mass with students in the pews
Students praying during Mass
Students praying in pews
Students praying in pews
students praying in pews
students praying in pews
Students praying in pews
Saint Dominic Academy's State Championship baseball team ringing a victory bell
Saint Dominic Academy's State Championship baseball team ringing the victory bell
students, teachers, staff at Mass in church
Saint Dominic Academy's State Championship baseball team
Saint Dominic Academy's State Championship baseball team