Bishop Robert Deeley to bless new altar and statue at St. Gregory the Great Church in Gray

GRAY – Bishop Robert Deeley will gather with parishioners on Sunday, September 10, to celebrate some noteworthy additions to Saint Gregory the Great Church, located at 24 North Raymond Road in Gray. The church has a new altar and a new statue honoring its patron, along with new hardwood flooring in the sanctuary.
“It’s just very exciting to have it come together,” said Father Steven Cartwright, pastor of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist, which includes St. Gregory the Great Church.
The centerpiece of the improvements is the new altar, which came from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, where Father Cartwright spent time in formation. Father Cartwright said he had been keeping an eye out for an altar for some time because the one that was in use at Saint Gregory was not a permanent one and did not complement the church’s knotty pine and oak features. He said when the seminary, which is moving, sent word that it was selling some items, he did a little online browsing and found just what he was looking for.
“The second I saw it, I said, ‘That’s it. That is the altar.’ It would match well with the woodwork that is already there, and it would be really beautiful,” Father Cartwright said.
At first, he was told the altar was already sold, but the original buyer backed out, and a couple months later, Joseph Moreshead, the parish’s director of faith formation, was on his way to Pennsylvania to pick it up.
Father Cartwright said this is the perfect time to improve the already beautiful sanctuary of Saint Gregory because the Catholic Church is in the midst of celebrating the National Eucharistic Revival.
“I think the Eucharistic Revival extends to everything. It’s not only about the Eucharist but about all elements of the holy sacrifice of the Mass — from the beauty of the vestments and vessels and sacred music to the sanctuary, so I’m really excited,” he said.
The altar needed a little work, which was done by Chip Carney, an experienced woodworker, as well as the church’s choir director. It included refinishing the mensa, or top of the altar, which Bishop Deeley will bless during the 8:30 a.m. Mass on September 10. The altar itself was previously consecrated.
During the Mass, the bishop will also bless the statue of St. Gregory the Great, which the parish purchased from Italy.