Casco Bay Catholics’ Young Adult Retreat in Biddeford

Friday, February 24 at 4:00 PM to Sunday, February 26 at 1:00 PM

Young adults, ages 18-35, are encouraged to gather for “A Retreat with the Beloved Disciple” at the Marie Joseph Spiritual Center on 10 Evans Road in Biddeford on February 24-26.

Talks will follow the life of Jesus through the eyes of St. John the Apostle. There will also be time for quiet reflection, adoration, reconciliation, and Masses. Arrivals will begin at 4 p.m. on Friday with departure set for 1 p.m. on Sunday.

“If you are a young adult, I encourage you to consider coming and also to invite other young adults who could use some encouragement and strengthening of faith,” said Fr. Seamus Griesbach, pastor of the Portland Peninsula and Island Parishes.

The event is being hosted by Casco Bay Catholics, a ministry of and for young adults in Maine. The mission of Casco Bay Catholics is to offer young adults faith formation, service opportunities, and community building. The group offers services like the Hour of Power and Sunday vespers, holds dinners, and organizes social gatherings. 

For more information or to reserve a spot at the February retreat, contact Abrey at or visit

You can also keep up with the latest Casco Bay Catholics news on the group’s Facebook page.

Marie Joseph Spiritual Center

10 Evans Road
Biddeford, ME 04005
United States

Contact Person:
Abrey Feliccia