Maine Catholic Men's Conference

Men from across the Diocese of Portland are invited to attend the Maine Catholic Men's conference, which will be held March 15, 2025, at the St. John's Community Center in Brunswick.

Keynote Speaker

This year's keynote speaker will be Bishop James Ruggieri, 13th Bishop of Portland.

Time and Location

The conference will be held March 15, 2025, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the St. John's Community Center, 43 Pleasant Street in Brunswick.

QR CodeCost and Registration

The cost is $60, which includes lunch. Register here or by using the QR Code.

For More Information

Event questions can be directed to Shawn Gregory at [email protected] or 207-773-6471.

Registration questions can be directed to Hannah Gonneville at [email protected] or 207-773-6471.