St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi was born in Assisi, Italy, in 1181 or 1182 to a wealthy family. He lived a privileged early life but desired to be a knight and to receive the glory that went with it. He went to war, but it didn’t go well. He was captured and injured. Eventually released to his family, he seemed lost.
An incident he later credited with changing his life was an encounter with a leper outside the walls of the city. The leper asked for his help, but repulsed, Francis fled. Then, regretting his reaction, he returned and embraced the man. The experience led Francis to reflect on his life and to spend more time in prayer and solitude.
While praying in a rundown chapel on the outskirts of town, Francis heard Jesus address him, telling him, “Francis rebuild my house for it is falling down.” He initially thought Jesus wanted him to rebuild the chapel, but he would later come to understand the true meaning of what Jesus was telling him. Francis would eventually give up all his wealth to live a simple of prayer, poverty, obedience to the Lord, and service to the poor.
Others would begin to follow Francis's example, leading to the founding of the Franciscan Order in the early 13th century.