Bishop James Ruggieri announces new priest assignments and temporary administrators

Reverend Michael Adebote, SMA, has been appointed as chaplain at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, effective September 1, 2024. Father Adebote is a member of the Society of African Missions and has served as hospital chaplain at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston since December of 2022. Father Adebote came to Maine in December of 2022 after working for six years in the SMA Dedham House and the Archdiocese of Boston and then completing clinical pastoral education (CPE) at the Overlook Medical Center in New Jersey. Father Adebote is from the Church of God in Kaduna State, in the northern part of Nigeria. He was ordained in 2007 in his home parish and his first assignment was Diocese of Berbérati in the Central African Republic, where he joined the Church’s efforts to support members of the Pygmy tribes among others.
Reverend Joseph Jum has been appointed as chaplain at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, effective September 1, 2024. Fr. Jum has been in-residence at St. Brendan the Navigator Parish in Camden while completing his clinical pastoral education (CPE). Fr. Jum has served as vice chancellor of the Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda, as well as registrar. In the Diocese of Buea, he was Catholic education secretary and diocesan chancellor. Since his ordination, he has held variety of teaching, school leadership and pastor roles and has published several books. He earned both a PhD and a master's degree from the University of Southampton, England.
Reverend Alou Pilizue, SMA, has been appointed chaplain at St. Joseph Hospital and Bangor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Bangor, effective September 1, 2024. Father Pilizue is a member of the Society of African Missions. He completed his clinical pastoral education (CPE) this summer at Maine Medical Center in Portland while in-residence at St. Joseph Rectory. Father Pilizue’s experience includes serving as a parish priest at St. Paul Parish in Adukrom in Kumasi, Ghana, in the SMA mission in Afram-Plains North, Ghana, and as parish priest at Notre Dame de Fatima in San Pédro, Côte d’Ivoire. Born in the Togolese Republic (Togo), Fr. Pilizue was ordained in 2011 in his native country.
Reverend Richard Malo is serving as temporary administrator for Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish in Lincoln, effective August 1, 2024. Father Malo retired from active ministry in 2021, and his last assignment was as pastor of Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish. Beginning in 1987, Father Malo served in parishes in Biddeford Fort Kent, Jackman, Millinocket, East Millinocket, Benedicta, Greenville, Camden, Rockland and Belfast. He also served as chaplain at the University of Maine at Fort Kent.
Reverend Robert Vaillancourt will serve as temporary administrator for Christ the Divine Mercy Parish in East Millinocket and St. Benedict Parish in Benedicta, effective September 1, 2024. Fr. Vaillancourt retired from active ministry on July 1, 2024, and was most recently the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Auburn. Father Vaillancourt has served at parishes in Biddeford, Brewer, Bridgton, Camden, East Millinocket, Falmouth, Hampden, Madawaska, Old Town, Peaks Island, Portland, Rumford, and Winterport. He has also served as the director of vocations for the Diocese of Portland and in hospital ministry.