Parishes to celebrate All Saints' Day and Allhallowtide with children's festivities

From inviting children to dress up as their favorite saints to decorating vehicle trunks for trunk or treat events, several parishes around Maine have festivities planned for children to commemorate the Solemnity of All Saints and Allhallowtide.
All Saints Catholic School will host a trunk or treat event at the St. Mary’s Campus, 768 Ohio Street in Bangor, on Friday, October 27, at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
All Saints Parish will present a Harvest Family Dinner on Saturday, October 28, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the St. John’s Community Center, 43 Pleasant Street in Brunswick. The festivities begin with a trunk or treat event with St. John’s Catholic School. That will be followed by a turkey dinner, indoor & outdoor games for kids, face painting, and awards for the saints’ costumes. Sign up by calling the parish office at 207-725-2624. There is no cost to attend, but a freewill offering will be welcome.
Children are invited to dress up as their favorite saint or their patron saint for an All Saints’ Day celebration on Sunday, October 29, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., at Immaculate Conception Church, 31 Calais Avenue in Calais. There will be saint-related games, craft tables, face painting, refreshments, and more.
Children are invited to come to dress as their favorite saint for the November 1, 5:30 p.m. Mass at Holy Martyrs of North America Church, 266 Foreside Road in Falmouth. There will be a costume parade, fun activities in the narthex, and each participating child will receive a prize.
St. Matthew Parish will host a trunk or treat event on Saturday, October 28, at 7 p.m. following the 6 p.m. Mass at the church. Decorate your trunk and let your kids do some trick or treating in the safety of the church’s back parking lot, located at 19 Dora Lane.
The St. Matthew Parish faith formation children will have a parade of saints to celebrate All Saints’ Day on Sunday, October 29, during the 8 am. Mass at St. Matthew Church, 19 Dora Lane in Limerick. All children are invited to dress as their favorite saint and join the parade.
Children are invited to dress as their favorite saints for the Saturday, November 5, 4 p.m. Mass at St. Mary of Lourdes Church, 142 Main Street in Lincoln. After Mass, they will gather in the church hall to share stories about their saints.
Lisbon Falls
A potluck supper and trunk or treat event will be held at Holy Trinity Church, 67 Frost Hill Avenue in Lisbon Falls, on Saturday, October 28, at 5 p.m. The event will include family activities such as bobbing for apples, doughnuts on a string, pin the halo on the saint, a hayride, face painting and more. - This event is cancelled at this time.
Old Town
Children are invited to the Brunswick Street parking lot of Holy Family Church in Old Town for a trunk or treat event on Friday, October 27, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Children are invited to walk around from trunk to trunk to receive candy. There will also be games. FMI: [email protected].
Presque Isle
Youths are invited to a trunk or treat, saint-style, on Tuesday, October 31, beginning at 5 p.m. in the parking lot of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, 333 Main Street, Presque Isle.
Saint Agatha
Children are invited to dress as their favorite saint or angel for the All Saints’ Day vigil Mass that will be celebrated at St. Agatha Church, 379 Main Street in St. Agatha, on Tuesday, October 31 at 6 p.m.
South Portland
Holy Cross School, 436 Broadway in South Portland, will host a Chili Cook-Off and trunk or treat event on Sunday, October 29. Decorate your trunk or submit your favorite chili recipe to compete with others. The cook-off begins at 5 p.m. Trunk or treat starts at 6 p.m. The price for the dinner, which also includes macaroni and cheese, corn bread, and desserts, is $10 for adults, $5 for kids, with a family maximum of $30.
Following the All Saints’ Day Vigil Mass on Tuesday, October 31, at 5:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 919 Roosevelt Trail in Windham, children are invited to stay for some trick or treating fun.