Blue Mass

Annually, active and retired local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency personnel are recognized for their faithful commitment and self-sacrifice at the Blue Mass.
People of all faiths are invited to attend the Mass each year and to join in expressing gratitude to the men and women who work to keep our communities safe. Members of the public safety community are encouraged to attend in uniform and to bring their families with them.
During the Mass, blessings are bestowed upon all who contribute to the public health and safety of Maine, and prayers will be offered for those who have given their lives in the line of duty. The readers and gift bearers at the Mass are members of the public safety community, and a multi-jurisdictional honor guard posts the colors.
The Blue Mass (referring to the blue uniforms that law enforcement and other first responders often wear) dates back to 1934 and is a venerable tradition in many dioceses. The events of September 11, 2001, served as the impetus for the Diocese of Portland to institute the Blue Mass in Maine.
This Mass calls forth in us a greater awareness of, and gratitude for, the lives of those who serve us so faithfully. Our lives are a gift from God, given to us that we might in turn give our lives in service to Him and to others. This truth is one virtually ingrained into the lives of our police, fire and rescue personnel. Day in and day out they put their lives on the line for us: “Greater love has no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
2024 Blue Mass Committee
Todd Bernard, Lieutenant, South Portland Police Department
Robert Burke, Corporal, Maine State Police
Kevin Burton, Lieutenant, Maine State Police
Jennifer Bussiere, Director of Communications, Prince of Peace Parish
Mark Caron, Chief, Lewiston Fire Department
Peter Czerwinski, Lay Hospital Chaplain and Master of Ceremonies
Todd DiFede, Retired Supervisory Agent, FBI
Molly DiLorenzo, Director of Communications, Diocese of Portland
Jason Johnson, Sergeant, Lewiston Police Department
Mark Labonte, Prince of Peace Parish
Suzanne Lafreniere, Director of Public Policy, Diocese of Portland
Connie Lapointe, Prince of Peace Parish
Gil Lapointe, Prince of Peace Parish
Michael Magalski, Directory of Professional Responsibility, Diocese of Portland
Michael McGonagle, Lieutenant, Lewiston Police Department
Jason Moen, Chief of Police, Auburn Police Department
Eric Samson, Sheriff, Androscoggin County
Robert Schwartz, Past Executive Director, Maine Chiefs of Police Association
David St. Pierre, Chief, Lewiston Police Department
Michael Tracy, Executive Director, Maine Chiefs of Police Association
Scott Vaillancourt, Director of Music, Prince of Peace Parish
Cristina Wittman, Associate Director of Communications, Diocese of Portland
Through the Years